DIY White Jeweled Pumpkin

Do you remember the pumpkin that turned in to Cinderella’s BEAUTIFUL white carriage? Well I do. And a couple weeks ago when I stumbled across a pretty white pumpkin with the words “Happy Halloween” on it, I was instantly transported to a realm of up-scale, chic and modern whimsical Halloween decor. I was snapped outRead more

Caramel Praline Celebration Fudge [Recipe]

Holy New Year Batman! Its hard to believe that it is almost 2013. I’ve been bumming around my mom’s house for the past week, hanging out with family, doing some DIY redecorating in my brother’s bedroom and all in all taking it easy. But don’t go thinking that because mom and I are couch-potato-ing thatRead more

Multi-Use Card [Free Printable]

Well, since the sweetest day card I have been on a roll! I’ve made several new card sets, and this is my new favorite! I originally designed it to use as a thank-you card to a co-worker, but it has such an understated charm that I had to add a few more phrases and putRead more

Dollar Store Candy Bar

The summer season means a lot of pot lucks for me. Family gatherings, graduation parties, work outings and miscellaneous other picnics. And I’m not ashamed to say that sometimes, I get rather behind. That means that the night before I have to present some amazing treat to wow the masses – I’m panicked, rushing, and usually pretty grouchy.Read more

One Little White Pumpkin

Do you remember the pumpkin that turned in to Cinderella’s BEAUTIFUL white carraige? Well I do. And a couple weeks ago when I stumbled across a pretty white pumpkin with the words “Happy Halloween” on it, I was instantly transported to a realm of up-scale, chic and modern whimsical Halloween decor. I was snapped outRead more